What it is a Fitness for Duty, and what are the benefits?

Fitness for Duty Melbourne


What it is a Fitness for Duty, and what are the benefits?


Fitness for Duty assessments is designed to ensure an employee is physically fit and capable of carrying out the tasks associated with their particular job description. The fit to work assessment is a vital aspect of the injury management process for your staff as well as being essential to the operation of risk management for the company.




  • Helps you manage and assess the health issues of your staff.
  • Assists in the risk management process of your company.
  • Assists in the worker’s compensation and injury management process of your workforce.
  • Assists with injury rehabilitation
  • Contributes to health and safety in the workplace
  • Complies with Workers’ Compensation legislation.
  • This service is available through Era Health Work Solutions in Melbourne and Australia wide.





At Era Health, we pride ourselves on the attention to detail contained in our fitness for duty examinations and assessments. With an extensive consultation with the employee and managers, we aim to acquire a thorough understanding of their job description and the requirements of their position. A complete medical examination will ascertain the fitness and readiness of the employee to return to work.


A full written report is prepared, which contains the findings of our team, gives concise medical information and outlines specific recommendations if applicable.


Employees who are not physically or mentally fit for work constitute a danger to themselves as well as to others in the workforce. The purpose of an Era Health Fitness for Duty assessment is to conduct a full evaluation of an employee’s capability to remain at, or return to, their position. The comprehensive report applies to workers’ compensation and permanent disability claims.


If you need more information you can visit our website www.erahealth.com.au  or you can call on 03 9944 6200

Keto diet for beginners

Keto diet for beginners

What is Keto or Ketosis?
If you are Keto diet  beginner,  Keto means fat burning
When you burn fat, the fat breaks down into what’s called Ketones where the body can use it as an alternative fuel, a much better fuel-source than sugar fuel. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels and shifts the body’s metabolism away from carbs and towards fat and ketones.

Type of Keto diets
What are the Best Type of Keto Diets

Different Types of Ketogenic Diets

There are many types of ketogenic diet, including:

Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): This is a very low-carb, moderate-protein and high-fat diet. It typically contains 75% fat, 20% protein and only 5% carbs (1Trusted Source).
Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): This diet involves periods of higher-carb refeeds, such as five ketogenic days followed by two high-carb days.

Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): This diet allows you to add carbs around workouts.

High-protein ketogenic diet: This is similar to a standard ketogenic diet but includes more protein. The ratio is often 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs.

Reduce weight on a Keto diet
Reduce weight on a Keto diet

Can I reduce weight on a Keto diet?

The answer is yes. A ketogenic diet is a great way to lose weight and reduce many risk factors for disease such as Cancer.

Healthy Ketosis is a version of regular Ketosis based on a principle where you must “Get healthy first, then lose the weight.” And “get healthy” means related to eating healthy, high-quality foods that are providing all of your nutrients.

The number of carbs that you can eat in a ketogenic diet is between 20–50 grams per day. probably its sound challenging, but lots of foods will fit into this diet. That is why we have created this blog for Keto diet for beginners so you can have a better understanding of what is involved.

We have selected 9 most healthy foods to eat on a ketogenic diet.

Seafood on a Keto diet Melbourne CBD
Seafood on a Keto diet


1. Seafood
Fish is very keto-friendly food. Probably Salmon is the number one superfood. It is very rich in B vitamins, potassium and selenium, and cero carb.
Sardines, mackerel and other fatty fish as well are very high in omega-3 fats.
Low-Carb Vegetables Melbourne CBD
Low-Carb Vegetables
2. Low-Carb Vegetables

Starchy vegetables such as Potato, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin you should avoid them in a Keto Diet. Contrary Non-starchy vegetables are low in calories and carbs and provide lost of nutrients, like vitamin C and several minerals.

Here is a list of 20 best veggies for a Ketogenic Diet

Bell Peppers








Green Beans





Brussels Sprouts







3. Cheese

Cheese is great to eat on the keto diet. But not all cheeses are created equal. Learn which cheeses are healthy, which cheeses to avoid, and where cheese fits into your ketogenic diet.

4. Avocados

Here we have another superfood. Avocados are high in several vitamins and minerals, including potassium, an important mineral many people may not get enough of.  Also, Avocados offer a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. They also contain lots of fibre to help digestive health.

Meat and Poultry On A Keto Diet Melbourne City
Meat and Poultry On A Keto Diet

5. Meat and Poultry

Meat and poultry are considered an important part of a ketogenic diet.

Fresh meat and poultry contain no carbs and are rich in B vitamins and several minerals, including potassium, selenium and zinc. Dieters often give up fatty steaks and pork for leaner cuts of meat like chicken breast. But people on the ketogenic diet understand the important role of fatty steaks and pork for Keto lifestyle diet.

6. Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest and most versatile foods on the planet. Eggs are perfect for breakfast on a low-carb diet such as Keto and extremely popular. Just one egg has about 6 grams of protein and only 71 calories.

7. Olive Oil

Olive Oil has an incredibly healthy amount of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, extra virgin olive oil is a cold-pressed, unrefined oil that maintan the flavour and nutrients of the olives.

8. Nuts and Seeds

One of the healthy, high-fat and low-carb foods, Nuts and seeds have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, depression and other chronic diseases.

Summary, a ketogenic diet can help you lose much more weight than any other diet.

But also, it has other great health benefits for different health conditions such as Heart disease, Cancer, Alzheimer, Epilepsy, Acne, Brain injuries, Parkinson and more.
Do you want to know more about the Keto diet for beginners please consult with one of our doctors

Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD
Call 03 9944 6200

Why I Can’t Sleep and What to Do About It?

I can't sleep in Melbourne CBD

Waking up well-rested can make a huge difference in our mood and mental state. However, a good night’s rest can be an elusive goal for some. The habits we set for ourselves and how we maintain our sleeping environment play a significant role when it comes to sleep quality. If getting consistently good rest is a struggle, refer to this guide for effective tips on how to get the best sleep of your life.


  • Do: Put Yourself on a Sleep Schedule

Although it can be hard to maintain the same bedtime every night, studies have shown that going to sleep at the same time consistently helps to put the body in a rhythm. Even on weekends and when travelling, we can benefit from honouring a schedule. Try to maintain the same bedtime within 30 minutes from night to a night for the best results. Even one late night a week can make it harder to get to sleep.


  • Don’t: Drink Caffeine or Alcohol Close to Bedtime

Caffeine is a stimulant which is great when we want to stay awake, but not so good before bed so it’s best to switch to decaf at least 5-6 hours before bedtime. Also, it’s common for people to drink alcohol in the evening and it can seem to induce a drowsy feeling. However, though alcohol can make us sleepy, it can also prevent normal circadian rhythms. It’s not usually a problem to have one drink in the evening but avoid overindulging close to bedtime.


  • Do: Follow A Sleep Friendly Diet

The foods that we eat can play a large role in sleep quality. Chances are, our diet may not be promoting good sleep patterns. The good news is that changing our diet is pretty simple. It’s best to avoid spicy foods just before going to bed. However, foods that are sources of calcium, magnesium, and tryptophan are all going to promote sleep. Dairy and nuts are good sources of the first two nutrients while tryptophan is found in most meats as well as chickpeas. One other thing to avoid late at night is ice cream before bed. Though undeniably delicious, ice cream is notorious for giving heartburn in the middle of the night, so it’s best to have it earlier than later in the evening.

Mobile Phones & Sleep in Melbourne CBD
Avoid mobile devices in bed
  • Don’t: Watch Electronics an Hour before Bed

Although we often enjoy watching some television or playing on our phones before heading to bed, this habit disrupts our sleeping patterns. The blue light that comes from electronic devices actually tricks our brains into thinking that it’s daytime. Though not impossible, it is harder to turn off our brains if we’ve been using electronics thus it’s best practice to avoid any electronics as well as bright lights about 60 minutes before going to bed.


  • Do: Avoid Spending Time in Bed During the Day

Most people find their bed to be one of the most comfortable spots in the home. Although it’s often fun to lounge in bed, we might actually be preventing our body from getting into the habit of recognizing the bed as a place for relaxation. If we relegate the bed for only sleep and intimacy, it’s more likely that our brains will associate the practice of getting into bed as a time to unwind. Also, when we wake up in the morning, get out of bed quickly rather than lounge around. Again, it’s all about training the brain to understand the role of our bed.


  • Don’t: Be Afraid to Get Help

Although it can be hard to recognize and admit that we may need to use a sleep aid, it’s better to take a natural supplement to help fall asleep than to suffer from insomnia. Consider trying magnesium, melatonin or valerian to promote sleep.

Relaxing Sleep Environment for your sleep in Melbourne CBD
Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment
  • Do: Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment

We all have different needs when it comes to sleep. Some sleep better in a cold room that’s completely dark while others find they like having a sound machine that plays white noise or maybe need a certain type of pillow. Regardless of what it is, learn what you need in your environment to encourage healthy sleep patterns.

In Melbourne is hard to sleep
In Melbourne is hard to sleep
  • Don’t: Lie in Bed Awake

When we can’t fall to sleep within 15-30 minutes, don’t stay in bed trying to force it. Instead, get out of bed and go read a book (the paper kind not electronic). When we start to feel tired, head back to bed and try again. This will help exhaust the mind.


  • Do: Keep a Notebook by the Bed

Many people find that they are plagued with anxiety that keeps them awake at night. Journaling our thoughts and feelings is a way to get them off our hearts and minds. By writing them down, we are telling ourselves to forget that problem or task and that it can wait until the morning. Many people find that they become anxious in the evening to have said that this method works well for them.


  • Don’t: Exercise Close to Bedtime

The evening is often a good time for exercise since it tends to be less busy. However, any activity that gets the heart racing also releases adrenaline and cortisol, stress hormones, that keep us alert and awake. Try to avoid any strenuous physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime. A smart evening activity is meditation or yoga as they help the body get grounded and settle down for the night.



This guide of the essential do’s and don’ts for getting the best sleep of your life helps create effective sleep habits. Thus, when stress, travel or injury disrupts our sleep, we know what to do to reset our sleep pattern and prevent insomnia from lingering. Employing these tips can support us in having restful sleep so we wake up rejuvenated and ready for our day.


For more information, please consult with your doctor


Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD

How to Get the Most Out of a Visit to a Medical Center in Melbourne CBD

Ever arrived at the doctor’s office, waited patiently for your turn, only to leave frustrated because you didn’t get the most out of your appointment?

Unfortunately, this is all-too-common if you fail to prepare properly for your doctor’s visit. It may sound like overkill to ”prepare” for an appointment, but when your health is in question, no amount of preparation is too much.

Here’s how to ensure you walk away completely satisfied the next time you have a doctor’s appointment at a medical center in Melbourne.

Preparing For Your Visit to a Medical Center in Melbourne

Perhaps you feel a little sheepish bringing a notepad and a pen to a doctor’s appointment? But if it helps you to remember important questions you want to ask your doctor and their feedback, then why not?

This just goes to show that your health is a top priority and any medical professional should have great respect for that.

Each doctor’s appointment is important, most especially if you are living out your golden years. Whether it’s for a regular check-up, test results, or specialized treatment, there are ways in which you can prepare.

As you may have learned from previous doctor’s visits, time is of the essence. So here’s how to make the most out each appointment:

1. Write Out a List of Your Concerns

It’s quite simple – to ensure you don’t forget about any niggling concerns you have about your health, just write it all down.

Before your appointment, jot down a list of symptoms and questions you’d like to run past your doctor. If you have a few items you’d like to discuss, write them down in order of importance- with the most concerning ones first.

Remember that you shouldn’t put off health concerns just because you’re limited by time at a doctor’s appointment. Bring them up first and ask as many questions as you need to.

2. Take All Important Information With You

If you have a hard time remembering the prescription medication, vitamins or over-the-counter pills you take, write down a list of these. And don’t forget to include the dosage amounts, too.

You should also carry your medical insurance card, emergency contact details, and the names and numbers of any other doctors you see. This is especially relevant if you are visiting a new doctor for the first time.

3. Bring a Neutral Party With You

Generally, you are more than welcome to bring in another member into a doctor’s appointment with you, if you prefer. If you struggle to remember what you wanted to discuss, your friend or relative can bring this up on your behalf.

Likewise, if you are too embarrassed to bring up a certain medical concern, a neutral party can also discuss this for you. Finally, they can also help you by taking down important notes to help you remember all your doctor’s advice and feedback.

4. Don’t Be Shy in Sharing Your Medical History

Upon visiting a new doctor for the first time you will generally be asked to fill out a medical history form. If you struggle to remember it all or interpret the forms, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

And just because you wrote it all down, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t discuss your medical history with your doctor. If you feel there is something important you doctor should know in more detail, don’t shy away from sharing with them.

5. Ensure You Understand Your Doctor Properly

Some doctors have a habit of speaking very quickly and using a bunch of industry jargon that may make little to no sense to you. This can often leave you feeling confused and unsure of the next step in your healthcare journey.

If you don’t understand what your doctor has said, or cannot hear them properly, don’t be afraid to ask them to stop and re-phrase. If you struggle from a hearing impairment, let the doctor’s office know beforehand.

6. Keep Your Doctor Up-to-Speed

This only applies after one or two visits to a new doctor. But each time you head in for an appointment, make sure you update your doctor on your health status.

Let them know if you have recently been treated for something, seen a specialist or visited the emergency room. Don’t forget to mention changes in your sleep pattern, appetite, weight or energy levels, if any.

7. Always Honest About Your Health

It’s important to be as open and honest with your doctor at all times regarding your health and your lifestyle. Because ultimately, this can have a great effect on the treatment you receive and how you respond to it.

Be honest with your doctor about habits that could affect your health. This includes things like dieting, failing to exercise, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, smoking, etc. This also relates to using illegal drugs, promiscuity, stress levels, and any other unhealthy habits.

8. Remember to Keep an Open Mind

Some of the most troubling patients for doctors to treat are those with a fixed, preconceived idea about the type of treatment they should receive.

Always keep an open mind when it comes to your health and the advice of a qualified and experienced professional.

At the end of the day, a doctor will do their best to hear you out and educate you as much as they can. But if you are not willing to hear or receive their advice this could be detrimental to your health.

Looking For a Private Medical Center in Melbourne?

Here at Era Health in the heart of Melbourne CBD, we offer specialized, private treatment for a plethora of ailments. Whether you’re looking for a doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, podiatrist or more, you’ll find it with us.

Visit our medical center in Melbourne by booking an appointment today and keeping your health in top-notch condition!

9 Essential Questions to Ask Your General Practitioner in Melbourne

general practitioner Melbourne

Did you know that there are about 26,000 general practitioners in Australia? Out of these, about 6,300 of them are in Victoria, according to the latest figures released by the Medical Board of Australia.

With all these doctors, how do you pick the right general practitioner for your needs? What do you ask to determine your current health condition?

Don’t fret, we’ve got a list of important questions to ask right here. These are some of the essentials any doctor should discuss with you to guarantee your safety.

Questions to Ask Your General Practitioner

In most cases, you can only talk to your general practitioner (GP) for about 20 minutes per year. That’s the reason why you need to make every minute count. The goal is to become more well-informed and confident about your health.

Here are some of the essential questions you need to ask your general practitioner.

1. Can I Access My Health Records?

In this day and age, most patients now request for more transparency from their medical professionals. It’s especially the case for their own personal information. That’s why asking for your electronic health records is a great starting point.

With this, you can check whether the information is accurate. It also helps you know where you stand and how to progress from there.

2. How’s My Weight?

There’s a good chance your doctor will gloss over your weight if you aren’t underweight or overweight. But often, you won’t have the knowledge of how much you should weigh depending on your personal circumstances. That’s why you need to ask your doctor outright since it also opens up some discussion on how to maintain a healthy weight.

3. How’s My Blood Pressure?

Most doctors won’t comment about this and your other vital signs unless you have a health condition. Your nurse will most likely fill you in after taking y our BP, but they’ll only give the raw numbers. They’re unlikely to say whether the results are good or bad.

Ask about your vitals to check whether you’re at a healthy level. This will help determine if you need to change something on your diet, exercise, and sleep.

4. What About My Family History?

Your family history is critical to your medical evaluation since medical professionals will have a better idea of what conditions you might likely get. Ask whether there are significant patterns after they outline your family history.

For example, your likelihood of getting cancer depends on whether it comes from your mother or father.

5. Is (That Fact I Read) True?

There is a lot of buzz surrounding physical health and nutrition. That’s why it’s more prone to misreported facts. It’s a common occurrence since there might be some things that caught your attention, like:

  • Anti-cancer coffee
  • New weight-loss methods

These are just examples of facts that your doctor can clear up for you. Ask them about it since they have the means of validating or debunking these claims.

6. When Should I Come Back?

For the majority of our lifespan, a yearly check-up is already enough to ensure your health. But as you age, you might need to visit more than once. That’s why you should ask whether you need to schedule more appointments than before.

You might need to visit them when you start a new diet or medication. You might also get a health condition that needs regular monitoring.

7. What Other Doctors Should I Visit?

Another fact of getting older is that you develop recurring health issues that can persist. That’s why you need to ask your GP whether you need other specialists to help maintain your health. Sometimes, you might need a dermatologist or a cardiologist to look into these persistent issues.

Having a specialist by your side will help solve these problems before they become irreparable. Don’t delay and have this conversation, especially when you’re past your 30s.

8. What Should I Work on Before the Next Visit?

Your time between check-ups shouldn’t go to waste. Ask your doctor the health areas you need to work on whenever you’re doing an annual check-up. This will help start a conversation about your current health situation—a conversation that any patient should have.

Don’t stay complacent and reactive when you’re talking about your health. You need to take a preventive stance and take control of your health before you get sick. That way, you’ll avoid the costly bills that come with heavy diseases later on in life.

9. What Do You Do for Your Personal Wellness?

Asking your doctor about their own health situation allows you to know what you should do in life. Most successful physicians will have a healthy lifestyle and it reflects. They’re often more successful in getting their patients to start adopting a healthier living lifestyle.

You should ask your physician about how they practice their wellness. They’ll most likely be honest, and even if they aren’t on the healthy side of things, they should still have the means of advising what would work best for you. In either case, you become more aware of what you should do to stay healthy.

Get the Best General Practitioner Today!

A good general practitioner will always be open to discussions, especially when it involves your health conditions. Don’t hesitate and don’t let their demeanour intimidate you. You need to take charge and start the conversation.

Remember, your health is at stake. Don’t rely on them telling you the details since they’ll only give you the most important ones. If anything bothers you, don’t forget to speak your mind and let them clear it up.

Do you need a great health doctor in Melbourne? If so, you can contact us today and we can help you schedule a medical appointment.

Skin Checks Melbourne: Early Detection Means Prevention

Skin Checks Melbourne: Early Detection Means Prevention

Did you know 2 out of 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before they’re 70?

Living in Melbourne gives us access to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Who doesn’t want to soak up the sun in crystal blue waters and bask on soft, white sand?

But too much sunlight can take a toll on your skin. It can be dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions to check for melanoma.

Consult with your doctor about receiving skin checks in Melbourne. Discover why early detection of skin cancer, conditions, and abnormalities can save your life.

Skin Assesments Can Save Your Life

If you find a suspicious mark on your skin, don’t wait to have it checked. Early detection can help to save your life.

Getting your skin checked doesn’t necessarily have to do with a cancer screening. Skin checks in Melbourne are also useful for determining the overall health of a person.

Doctors can check for other skin conditions, abnormalities, as well as things like dehydration and liver problems. Your skin can say a lot about the health of your body!

As Australians, we face a higher risk of skin cancer. This is due to the sheer amount of sunlight we receive on a daily basis. In fact, skin cancer accounts for about 80% of cancer diagnosed in Australians each year.

Melanoma at Any Age

There is no specific age range when getting your skin checked is important. Melanoma can strike at any age, young or old. The key is to spot it early and go in for a screening.

Doctors recommend that if you have a family history of skin cancer or if you suntan or use a tanning bed, you should regularly have your skin checked by a professional. These factors can greatly increase your risk of skin cancer.

For others, regular checks might not be necessary. Instead, you should stick to making an appointment when you notice any irregular marks or concerning spots.

Protect from Melbourne Sun
Protect from Melbourne Sun

How to Spot Skin Cancer

There are a few things to watch out for when you are looking at your skin. While some doctors will make skin checks a part of their regular check-ups, you may need to schedule an extra appointment if you notice one of the following characteristics.

Keep an eye on beauty marks or moles that look irregular. It’s good to follow the ABCDE rule when trying to spot melanoma.


If you find a mole that is oddly shaped and doesn’t resemble an oval or circle, then you should have it checked by a professional. Asymmetry in birthmarks is a sign of skin cancer.


What do the edges of your mole look like? Are they rough and jagged? This could also be of concern.


The color of your mole is another factor. Does it have multiple tones of brown and black rather than one shade? Other signs could be shades of pink, red, white or blue.


The size of your birthmark can also be a sign of melanoma or skin cancer. If the diameter of the mole is larger than 6.35 millimeters or the size of an eraser head, then you should have it looked at.

It is possible for melanoma to be smaller than this as well. So refer to the other signs if it is small.


If you’ve noticed that your mole or birthmark is changing shape, color, and/or size, then this is considered evolving. This is another sign of melanoma.

Not all cancerous moles will meet the descriptions mentioned above. Some can show up with other symptoms including itchiness, soreness, bleeding, oozing or swelling. Any changes or new spots should be shown to your doctor just in case!

Know Your Skin

Despite skin cancer being the most common of all cancers, it’s also the easiest to cure if you are able to treat it early. That’s why you should make it a regular habit to thoroughly check your skin monthly. This is especially if you have light or freckly skin that burns easily.

Knowing your own skin will help you spot any changes early. Don’t forget to check your back, scalp, and underarms. You may need to have an extra mirror on hand in order to view hard to reach places.

You will also want to have a pencil for measuring the diameter of larger moles. If you see anything suspicious, make an appointment with a medical professional. The earlier you get treatment, the more likely melanoma can be cured.

What to Expect

When visiting your doctor for a skin check, they can be as thorough as you like. Typically your doctor will use a strong overhead light and glasses with magnifiers to scan your skin for unusual looking moles.

For patients with a personal or family history of skin cancer, your doctor will want to look at all areas of your skin. If nothing is found, it will usually take only 10 to 15 minutes.

If your doctor notices something unusual, they will use a tool called a dermatoscope to take a closer look at the spot. It actually has a light that allows your doctor to see through the first layer of skin.

If your doctor finds something that might need to be removed, they will first take a sample and test it to see if it is cancerous. This is called a biopsy, in which they will give you a shot to numb the area and then scrape off a sample of your skin.

They will send this sample to a lab in order to see if it is cancerous. From there, your doctor will consult with you on next steps depending on the best treatment plan.

Where Can I Find Skin Checks in Melbourne?

If you’d like to find a reliable place in Melbourne to have your skin checked then simply sign up for an appointment.

Our professional doctors are highly specialised in skin checks. We are equipped with the latest modern facilities. Plus we are conveniently located near the corner of Bourke Street and Queen Street.

Skin checks in Melbourne are an important part of your regular healthcare. Don’t risk waiting to find a provider near you!

Flu vs. Cold: Signs and Symptoms

Flu vs. Cold Signs and Symptoms


The average person gets sick two to four times per year. For children, this can even be as high as ten times per year! Most of these cases are the common cold, which is treated with rest, fluids and some over-the-counter medication. But some of these occurrences are more serious, like the flu (influenza), which left untreated, can manifest into severe sickness, hospitalization, and even death.

Although influenza rates have dropped slightly in recent years, the flu still causes about 3,500 deaths and 18,000 hospitalizations each year!

But how can you tell when you have the flu vs. a common cold?

Whether you’re curious, looking to prevent the flu, or wanting to do a symptom check, here are the common signs of both the flu and the common cold, so you can tell the difference and get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible, if necessary.

What Are the Symptoms of a Common Cold?

A cold typically begins with a sore throat. This can last a few days but doesn’t persist. The sore throat is usually followed by nasal symptoms, anything from congestion to a runny nose. The congestion usually grows into a cough on days four to five.

Sometimes you’ll run a fever with a cold, too, although this happens more often with children than adults.

A dead giveaway for a cold is the mucus and nasal congestion. You will either have a nose that’s constantly running with watery liquid, or you’ll have a thicker mucus that makes your nose feel ‘stuffy.’ Both of these are normal for a cold, but if this persists longer than two weeks, you may have something more serious.

How Long Does a Cold Last?

The common cold has a duration of about a week. During the first few days will be when your symptoms are new and the most contagious; it’s best to stay home and rest. If your symptoms are persisting longer than a week, or the mucus is getting thicker or darker in colour, it may be a sign of a bacterial or sinus infection.

These more serious infections need to be treated with antibiotics.

What Are the Symptoms of a Cold?
What Are the Symptoms of a Cold?

What Are Typical Flu Symptoms?

Although cold and flu symptoms are relatively similar, it can be easy to tell the difference if you’re paying attention to the severity of the symptoms and how quickly they attack.

With the flu, the symptoms are more severe and come on quicker. You’ll have a sore throat, congestion, muscle/body aches, fever, and cough right away. Most symptoms will start to improve over the course of a week, but oftentimes, you’ll feel exhausted and sick for a week or even longer.

It’s good to be aware of your symptoms during your sickness because it can be easy to contract other illnesses, especially if you have heart or lung problems. Sometimes the flu can turn into pneumonia, which is especially a risk for the elderly.

If you’re experiencing shortness of breath or other breathing complications, be sure to see your doctor right away.

Cold vs. Flu: How Can You Tell the Difference?

One of the biggest giveaways of the flu is a fever. If you run a fever with a cold, it’ll typically be low grade and mild. With the flu, it will be higher, often over 38.3 degrees Celcius (especially in children) and can last about three to four days.

With the flu, you’ll often get headaches (which you don’t always see with a simple cold). Your body aches will be more severe, and overall exhaustion can last as long as three weeks! Chest discomfort and a cough can also be a sign of the flu. The cough with the flu will often be ‘hacking’ and lingering, getting more severe with time.

Timing can also be a giveaway. The traditional ‘flu’ season runs from fall to spring, so if you’re experiencing some severe symptoms within that timeframe, October to May, you might want to give your doctor a call.

When Should I See a Doctor?

Complications of both a cold and the flu include pneumonia, bronchitis, strep throat, and sinus/ear infections. If a cold/flu worsens and is left untreated, it’s easy to contract one of these other illnesses and feel much worse.

You should see a doctor if you have persistent fever (greater than 38.3 degrees Celcius for more than three to four days) or if you’re having painful swallowing, a persistent cough, or congestion coupled with headaches that last over one week.

If you’re someone who suffers from chronic health problems like asthma, heart disease, obesity, or if you’re pregnant, elderly, or are young (under 5 but especially infants), your complications and risk may be much higher, so you should see a doctor sooner.

How to Take Care of Your Body When You Have the Flu

If you think you have the flu, it’s best to see a doctor. You will be prescribed medication, often antibiotics, that will help to fight infections. You’ll want to rest and drink plenty of fluids when you have the flu.

Because influenza is very contagious in the first 24 to 48 hours, it’s best to stay home for at least 24 hours or until your fever is gone.

Preventative Care for the Flu

If you haven’t already, you should consider the flu vaccination to prevent yourself and your loved ones from contracting Influenza. You can often get the vaccination at your Medical Clinic.

Vaccinations are preventive care. Be sure to get the vaccination before you contract any flu-like symptoms.

If you’re looking to get the vaccination or to talk to a doctor about your symptoms, click here to find a practice near you.

The Perfect Match: What to Look When Finding a New GP in Melbourne

best CBD doctors in Melbourne


Looking for a new GP in Melbourne? There are a few things you need to look for to find the perfect match, so read on to find out how.

On an average day in Australia, over 400,000 people make a visit to their general practitioner.

How many of those would say they have hand-picked the best GP for them?

Your GP is going to be one of the most important people in your life as they safeguard the future health of you and your family.

It’s not a decision to be made on a whim. So let’s take a look at how you can choose the perfect the best GP in Melbourne.

What to Look When Finding a New GP in Melbourne

Finding a New Medical Center in Melbourne
Finding a New Medical Center in Melbourne

There are certain features and characteristics you want to keep in mind when searching for the perfect GP. And with over 28,000 registered practitioners in Victoria alone, you need to know how to pick the right one.

We’re going to run through our top tips for doing your research in just a moment, but first, let’s cover some of the basics.

You want to be aware of the type of practice that you’re looking for. Do you want a smaller practice that may feel more familiar? In that case, you should probably consider that the working hours may be shorter. So, if you want to have more extensive coverage hours you might look for a larger practice with more physicians available. 

Another thing to think about is the billing system of your chose general practitioner. Do you want to opt for a new GP that bulk bills so you never pay anything out of pocket? 

The main difference between bulk billing and private billing is that the appointments for bulk billing will be very quick. This might be perfect for a prescription but for any medical concerns you would want private billing.

These questions can sometimes fall by the wayside when trying to find a new primary care physician but they are crucial to your experience. Knowing that your GP shares similar values to you and your family can also be a good sign that you’ve chosen the right practice.  

Top Tips For Finding a GP

You already know by now that the options for a general practitioner are vast in Melbourne, so let’s help you find your dream GP in no time. 

It’s not as hard as you think once you take the following factors into consideration.

1. Look Local

General Practitioner in Melbourne CBD
General Practitioner in Melbourne CBD

Start off by mapping out your local area to find the different GP offices that are convenient for you, for example, Melbourne CBD. You don’t necessarily want the closest but you do want a practice that is accessible to you. Life is busy enough without having to drive a long way when you or a family member is unwell. 

You’ll also be more likely to keep appointments or even visit for preventative care than if you have a practitioner further away. Another thing to consider is whether they offer transportation benefits under Medicare.

2. Ask Around

You are an individual with your own preferences but it can still be very useful to ask around among trusted friends and family to find out if they can recommend a GP. This is a relationship that relies heavily on trust and confidence and they might have found a GP who has proven indispensable over time.

Just make sure that you understand that persons needs and values before taking a recommendation from them. If they closely align with your own then add them to your shortlist to check out.

Online reviews play an important role in letting you know whether the GP practice is a trusted option. What do other people have to say about them?

3. Do Quality Control

There are a number of ways that you can check if your general practitioner has the quality of care that you need. Firstly, those reviews we mentioned earlier are a good place to start.

Secondly, check that your GP is registered with the Medical Board of Australia. This means they have to stay up to date on the latest practices and information. In turn, you will receive the most up to date level of care.

4. Cold Call Research

Research The Best Doctor in Melbourne CBD
Research The Best Doctor in Melbourne CBD

Now, you should be cutting down your shortlist by now and the next step is to cold call each practice. You can tell a lot by the general phone etiquette of the practice about how they treat new and existing patients. 

Essential questions to ask about the following:

  • How they fulfill repeat prescriptions
  • How do they let you know about test results?
  • What are the different ways you can book an appointment? Online, email, telephone, etc.
  • Do they have any process to remind you of overdue annual screening or flu shot?

These can give you an indication of whether you will like the running of the practice.

5. Keep it Personal

Your choice depends greatly on you and your needs and values. For example, cultural or language issues could come into play so make sure that the options play to your specific needs.

Perhaps you find a primary care physician that has in-depth experience with diabetes and that is why your friend has had a great experience. That’s brilliant for them but you might need someone with knowledge of sports medicine. In that case, they would not be your best choice. 

The GP could be incredible in his field but you know that you need specialised care in another area.

6. Trust Your Instincts

Take everything we have discussed today into consideration when making your final choice. However, you also have to go with what just feels right. 

Make an appointment and see how you feel about the GP in person. At the end of the day, they need to put you at ease.

You should feel comfortable discussing any aspect of your health with your GP so work through our steps to find your top prospects and then simply go with your gut. 

Ready to Find Your New GP in Melbourne?

It’s not a decision to be taken too lightly, as your GP will be vital to the health and happiness of your family. By deciding which factors mean the most to you, it allows you to find a GP in Melbourne that suits your needs. 

Hopefully, you now feel prepared with the information you need to discover the practitioner that makes you feel confident about the future.

Are you ready to start the search for your new primary care physician? Why not check out our team to see if one of them could be the right fit for your family.

How to get your HIV results in 30 minutes

HIV Rapid Test Melbourne

Get your HIV results in 30mins

Many people find it difficult to get checked for HIV status because of the long period it takes to get results. The common standard HIV testing takes up to 1 week for you get results. We provide HIV rapid testing at Era Health clinic in Melbourne. When visiting our men’s health clinic, you can be able to access instant HIV rapid testing upon placing a request. In the clinic you will access comprehensive health services focused on your individual health issues, be informed on disease prevention and health awareness. We serve men of all stages of life, helping them to reach their optimum health and providing them with on-site HIV rapid testing.

Why you should take an HIV rapid test?

Your health is very important, and we ensure you are in the best health possible. The HIV rapid test will only take 30mins to give you the results. The rapid HIV test has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Our Doctors at Era health clinics have undergone the required training for Rapid HIV testing according to TGA policy. We are one of the few clinics offering HIV rapid testing services, and you can book a HIV Rapid test right now by calling our clinic.

HIV rapid testing involves

The HIV rapid test requires just a few drops of blood from a finger prick. This test is “Alere HIV antibody/antigen reaction” that reacts in the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood, giving results within 30mins. The results can be reactive or non-reactive or inconclusive. Further testing, with the standard HIV testing, is required in case of reactive and inconclusive results from the HIV rapid test.




New and fast HIV screening at Era Health Melbourne CBD


New and fast HIV screening at Era Health Melbourne CBD


Melbourne Rapid HIV testing is conducted at Era Health, a one stop health clinic, located in the Melbourne CBD. The Rapid HIV test allows screening for HIV and will provide results in less than 30 minutes.

Screening is conducted using the 4th generation Alere Determine™ HIV – 1/2 Ag/Ab Combo test which is approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for use as point of care testing in Australia.

There is a window period of 14-90 days which allows detection of both the HIV-1 antigen & HIV-1/2 antibodies.

Consultations are conducted by trained doctors and are completely confidential for men and women seeking screening for Rapid HIV.

There is also a full range of HIV services are also available at Era Health including PEP, PrEP and full sexual health screenings. Era Health is committed to HIV medicine and in providing an environment which is safe and inclusive for all people of all backgrounds, origins, sexual orientations, and sex and gender identities.

To book or for further information, call (03) 9944 6200