New and fast HIV screening at Era Health Melbourne CBD
Melbourne Rapid HIV testing is conducted at Era Health, a one stop health clinic, located in the Melbourne CBD. The Rapid HIV test allows screening for HIV and will provide results in less than 30 minutes.
Screening is conducted using the 4th generation Alere Determine™ HIV – 1/2 Ag/Ab Combo test which is approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for use as point of care testing in Australia.
There is a window period of 14-90 days which allows detection of both the HIV-1 antigen & HIV-1/2 antibodies.
Consultations are conducted by trained doctors and are completely confidential for men and women seeking screening for Rapid HIV.
There is also a full range of HIV services are also available at Era Health including PEP, PrEP and full sexual health screenings. Era Health is committed to HIV medicine and in providing an environment which is safe and inclusive for all people of all backgrounds, origins, sexual orientations, and sex and gender identities.
To book or for further information, call (03) 9944 6200