Women’s health-related Musculo-skeletal issues

Women's health-related Musculo-skeletal issues

Women are built differently to men, which is why women are prone to a whole host of women’s health-related Musculo-skeletal issues that men do not experience. With the proper help and support, women are able to lead rich and full lives, despite having to manage their chronic conditions or old injuries.

Era Health physiotherapists deal with a host of women’s health-related Musculo-skeletal issues, and they have the equipment, tools and knowledge to facilitate pain management and even rehabilitation.

There are options for women’s health-related musculo-skeletal issues

Women have a lot of options when it comes to musculo-skeletal issues. A life of pain and suffering can be avoided.

• There is Osteopathic manipulation
• Relaxation and biofeedback techniques
• Acupressure or acupuncture
• Injections with anesthetic or anti-inflammatory
• Occupational or physical therapy
• Therapeutic massage
• Exercises that includes muscle stretching and strengthening
• Chiropractic care

Nobody can guarantee a cure or a quick fix, but what Era Health offers is a commitment to continuing to try and fix your musculo-skeletal problems, or at least to make them manageable so that women do not have to suffer. Stopping these issues from getting worse is a top priority, and the team of highly skilled Era Health physiotherapists in Melbourne are here to help.

Finding the root cause of your musculoskeletal pain

That is priority one for all physiotherapist professionals at Era health because once the cause is found then treatment can be recommended and administered. Musculoskeletal pain affects your ligaments, muscles, bones and tendons, and most discomfort and pain may be treated once the cause is found.

The causes may be as simple as a muscle tear or damage that has occurred during your day, work or workouts. They may also be caused by trauma such as:

Overuse of ligaments, bones, tendons and/or muscles
• Jerking movements
• Fractures
• Sprains
• Repetitive movements
• Dislocations
• Vehicle accidents
• Falls
• Prolonged immobilization
• Poor body mechanics
• Changes in posture
• Blows to your muscles
• Postural strain

All of these may cause secondary conditions such as spinal alignment problems, muscle shortening and even irreparable damage. They may cause you to feel things such as:

• Fatigue
• Pain
• Trouble sleeping
• Trouble sitting still
• Trouble doing certain movements

These cause feelings of being burnt, cause muscle twitches, or make your muscles feel as if they have been overworked. What is worse is that without treatment, your condition will get worse, and other parts of your body will begin to bear the load and compensate for your musculo-skeletal problems, which then causes tertiary problems.