Coronavirus: Symptoms and What to Do

Coronavirus: Symptoms and What to Do

Coronavirus: what are the symptoms and how to act when you think you could be infected. 

Coronavirus: Symptoms and What to Do – Update 15 March 2020

The coronavirus or better known as COVID-19, whose first cases were detected in early December 2019 in China, remained at the center of the world scene after its expansion around the world. Most infected people experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more serious in some cases. The risk groups are those over 65 years old and patients with pre-existing diseases. 


What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Some of them are high fever, chills, shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, muscle pain, and runny nose. The most complex cases are registered in the risk groups.


How to prevent coronavirus?

The World Health Organization lists several tips that are generally applied to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

• Wash your hands frequently with an antiseptic gel, or with soap and water. The virus can be transmitted by touching contaminated or diseased surfaces, so this hygiene action reduces risks.

• Regularly clean certain surfaces such as desks in workplaces.

Self assessment for risk of coronavirus COVID-19

Ensure that information on COVID-19 comes from reliable sources such as national public health agencies, medical professionals, or the World Health Organization itself. It is important to understand that the COVID-19 usually begins with fever or dry cough, not with nasal discomfort.

• Avoid travelling when symptoms of fever or cough occur: if there is discomfort during a flight, immediately inform the crew, and once at home, contact health professionals, informing where you have been.

• When you need to cough or sneeze, always do it on the arm sleeve (not on the hand) or use a handkerchief that should be thrown away immediately, and then wash your hands.

• People over 65 years of age or patients with health problems such as cardiovascular, respiratory or diabetes disease are at greater risk of complications from potential infection, so extra precautions should be taken, avoiding crowded areas or places where they could be in contact with potentially infected people. These people at high risk should perform voluntary isolation in their homes.

• If you feel unwell, stay home and call a doctor or health professional, Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD offers Telehealth Appointment for all new or current patients. 


Tele Health appointments - Melbourne

• Avoid showing up spontaneously to an emergency department if you are uncertain about your conditions. 

To be tested, it is important that patients fall into one of the three categories of the suspected case below:

A. Patients that have clinical and epidemiological criteria, which means: fever or acute respiratory infection AND international travel in the 14 days before the onset of illness, or close contact in the 14 days before illness onset with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Please note that casual contact is no longer a trigger for testing.

B. Patients that have severe community-acquired pneumonia (who are critically ill) and no other cause is identified, with or without recent international travel.

C. The patient is a healthcare worker with direct patient contact who has a fever (≥ 37.5) AND an acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat).

 For more information visit Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD www.era or Call us at 9944 6200
