Melbourne Flu Vaccination 2022. Everything that You Need to Know

Melbourne Flu Vaccination 2022. Everything that You Need to Know

Flu Vaccination 2019 Melbourne

Covid 19 and  Influenza Season 2022  in Melbourne  

At this time of the year, when Melbourne starts getting cooler, and we start seeing the first signs of the flu, we make the same question that we ask every year, should I get the Flu Vaccination in 2021?

Well, the Influenza season is here again in Melbourne, and in this article, I will be covering the most common question patients ask regarding the flu. What is Influenza, how to prevent it or which are the risk associated with the virus?

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton has stressed the importance for all Victorians to get a flu vaccine ahead of the coming influenza season.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)and The Flu Vaccination

Helping to stop the spread

According to  the Department of Health, The flu vaccine does not protect against COVID-19, but if anyone becomes ill with both influenza and COVID-19, it can be very serious (

Q: What is influenza (flu) and how can be transmitted?

 Influenza is a viral infection, produced by influenza virus types A, B or C. The virus is spread by virus-containing aerosols produced by coughing, sneezing or by direct contact with respiratory secretions.

Melbourne CBD and the symptoms of influenza 2019
Melbourne CBD and the symptoms of influenza 2022

Q: What are the symptoms of influenza?

People with influenza may experience the following symptoms:

  • People with influenza may experience
  • fever (or feeling feverish/having chills)
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • fatigue
  • body aches and pains
  • headaches
  • runny nose
  • sneezing, and chills

Although some adults and Children may also experience vomiting and diarrhea.


Q: How long does someone with the flu stay contagious?


The period between infection and onset of symptoms (incubation period) for influenza is 1- 3 days. A person with influenza may be contagious 24 hours before symptoms begin and continue to be infectious for a week after the onset of symptoms.



Q: Why the Flu is considered in Melbourne a serious infection?


Risk of not having the  Flu Shot
Risk of not getting Flu Vaccination in 2019 Melbourne



Infected persons may become unwell for up to a week. Most patients take up to 2 weeks to recover from influenza, however, it can cause complications or even death. Some of the complications can include pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and ear infections.



Q: What are some common side effects from the flu Vaccinations in 2022?


Common side effects include soreness, redness, pain and swelling at the injection site, drowsiness, tiredness, muscle aches, and fever. These side effects are usually mild and go away within a few days, usually without any treatment. You should contact your healthcare professional if you are concerned about any symptoms you experience or if you have a persistent high temperature. If you have any allergies or are concerned about the potential side effects of the flu vaccine please discuss this with your healthcare professional.


Why should you get the Flu Vaccination in 2019 in Melbourne CBD


Why should you get the Flu Vaccination in 2022 in Melbourne CBD



Q: Can you still get the flu after a flu shot?


Influenza vaccines will not give you the flu as the vaccines available in Australia do not contain ‘live’ virus. After vaccination, the person will develop antibody levels that are likely to protect them against the strains of virus represented in the vaccine.


Melbourne CBD and the Flu. Who can Get it?


Melbourne CBD and the Flu. Who can Get it?



Q: Who can get influenza?


People of all ages are susceptible to the flu, even those who are young and healthy. It is spread easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes, businesses or towns.


Melbourne CBD Flu Vaccination 2019. Don't wait to be sick


Melbourne CBD Flu Vaccination 2022. Don’t wait to be sick



Q. Why is influenza vaccine given annually?


There are two main reasons for getting a yearly flu vaccine:


  • Flu viruses are frequently changing and vaccines may be updated from one season to the next to protect against the most recent and common circulating strains.
  • A person’s immune protection from influenza vaccination declines over time and annual vaccination is recommended.



Q. When is the best time to get vaccinated for the flu in 2022?


 Vaccination is best undertaken in autumn, (March-May) in anticipation of Australia’s peak flu season which is usually between June and September. If you want to book you Flu vaccination 2022 in Melbourne, please call 03 9944 6200 or visit Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD for an online booking



Q. Does flu vaccine work right away?


No. Protection is usually achieved within 10 to 14 days of vaccination and there is evidence of increased immunity within a few days.


Melbourne Flu vaccinations 2019 and Kids


Melbourne Flu vaccinations 2022 and Kids


Q: What age can a child have the flu vaccine?


Children can be vaccinated from the age of 6 months. Please contact your healthcare professional for further information.




Get your 2022 flu shot!


The only reason to not have the Flu vaccination is if your child is under 6 months or for someone that has, life-threatening allergies to the flu vaccine. Every other reason has been thoroughly discredited. Of course, the flu vaccine is not perfect but has extremely good benefits. Some people think that they don’t need it because they are healthy and in great form but it is important to get the Flu shot to help protect others in your community who are more vulnerable. If you catch the flu, you would be exposing other people or your friends new baby before you even realize you are sick.


Book Your Flu Vaccination 2022 In Melbourne Now!



Healthy Habits to Avoid Influenza


The best way to prevent influenza is to get in the habit of getting vaccinated every year.  It is also important to protect yourself, your family and your co-workers with these simple steps to help stop the spread of germs.



  • Avoid close contact


Avoid close contact with people who are sick.  When you are sick, avoid close contact with others to protect them from getting sick too.



  • Stay home when you are sick


If possible, stay home from work, school, daycare, and errands when you are sick.  You will help to prevent others from catching your illness.



  • Cover your mouth and nose


with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and put it in a rubbish bin.  If you don’t have a tissue, cover your mouth and nose as best you can.



  • Wash your hands often


How To Wash Your Hands to Avoid Influenza


How To Wash Your Hands to Avoid Influenza 2021 Melbourne


Hand Washing Instructions



  • Wash hands with soap and warm running water for at least 15 – 20 seconds.


  • Be sure to wash all parts of your hands including under your nails, around cuticles, palms, in between fingers, the back of your hands and wrists.


  • Rinse hands thoroughly to remove all traces of soap.


  • Turn off the tap with a paper towel.


  • Dry hands thoroughly with a clean paper towel.


  • Use the paper towel when opening the door to exit.


  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth



Sickness is often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth.


Other ways to stay healthy during this influenza season and all year round:

  • Get plenty of sleep   


  • Exercise regularly


  • Drink plenty of fluids


  • Eat nutritious foods    




Book your Flu Vaccination now at Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD!


We are offering FLUQUADRI vaccines for extra coverage for this season. The Vaccinations will be available soon and we are taking bookings on (03) 9944 6200 or you can visit our


For Medicare card holders, consultations are Bulk Billed with only the cost of the vaccination required to be paid.   




1.   Australian Government Department of Health. The Australian Immunisation Handbook 10th Ed (June 2015 http://www.



2.  National Centre for Immunization Research & Surveillance) Factsheet; Influenza. July 2015. Available from



3.  INFLUENZA FACT SHEET March 2014 Available from 



4. CDC. Preventing the Flu: Good Health habits can help stop germs CDC website available from (accessed 30th October 2015)2015