How to put on, wear and remove a Facemask effectively

How to put on, wear and remove a Facemask effectively


Facemasks Tips – Melbourne
Tips on how to put on, wear and remove a facemask effectively


Disposable facemasks – advice from Era Health

Tips on how to put on, wear and remove a facemask effectively


Welcome to week two of the Victorian COVID 19 lockdown – facemasks.

Facemasks/face coverings have now become compulsory in the Melbourne Metropolitan area and Mitchell shire.
For those wearing disposable facemasks (you are also permitted to use cloth masks and scarves), they must be put on, worn and removed safely.

We have noted many people are not wearing their facemasks properly!

Here are a few tips on how to put on, wear and remove a facemask effectively:


1- before touching a facemask, sanitise your hands (either washes your hands with soap and warm water or with a hand-wash containing between 70 – 95% ethanol);

Before touching a facemask sanitise your hands

2- holding the facemask only by the ties/ear loops, with the coloured side facing away from you and with the metal strip uppermost, position the top part of the mask containing the metallic strip over your nose, and secure the upper ties/ear loops (if ties, secure the upper ties above your ears);

Holding the facemask only by the ties ear loops

3- centre the mask and then squeeze the metallic section so that it fits snugly over your nose;

Centre the mask and then squeeze the metallic section so that it fits snugly over your nose

4- holding the white rim of the lower part of the facemask, gently pull it down over your chin so that the mask fits snugly;


5- if your mask has ties, secure the lower ties beneath your ears;


6- change your facemask every four (4) hours or should it become moist;


7- DO NOT TOUCH the mask once you have it on (if you need to touch your mask, sanitise your hands first);


8- if you wear glasses, you may experience initial fogging of your glasses;


9- and, without touching the mask other than by the ties/loops, place it in a bin;


10- after removing your mask, sanitise your hands.


11- remember, used facemasks are potentially infectious.


Remember, Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD remains open for both face-to-face and telehealth consultations.

Stay safe.


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